Bag 2. Step 2.

A prototype of Bag 2 on the streets of Nashville - Photo by Glenn Charles

I am excited to share initial details of Iceworm MFG’s second camera bag as well as the next step, or evolution, in our business model. It’s been quite a journey this year and before I get into details, I want to thank those folks that have purchased product and supported Iceworm MFG through our the humble beginnings. Sincerely, thank you. It means the world to me. Nothing excited me more than someone messaging me or sending me a picture of one of my products in use. For those just landing here, either by choice or accident, I encourage you to click and read the Brand Story from above as well as click Subscribe to follow along and get updates.

Just one short year ago I told my wife and closest friends that I was going to start designing and building camera bags. That moment seems both like a long time ago as well as just a few minutes ago. Hard to believe a year has passed since the inception of this idea. My initial spark was not only triggered by me leaving a 25+ year career in brand and product development, but also challenge me and to solve some real world problem statements that I have encountered and longed for as a lifelong, active, adventure photographer. I

I don’t want to give all the elements of what Iceworm MFG’s secret sauce is just yet, but after some market research it was evident that the camera carry and accessory world has an infinite number of brands and products trying to serve all and fit all. These solutions are often made inexpensively overseas, are almost always focused on price points with non premium materials, and focus on protection at the expense of weight and real time usability. Many times the camera offerings aren’t even their primary purpose but its a bag and they make bags so they need to offer something. I am not putting them down and there are some incredibly great brands out there that I admire and personally still use. I was in product development for many years and completely understand business, design criteria/solutions and manufacturing to meet target price points and consumer needs/wants. I simply did not want to approach the camera bag and accessory market from this direction. My intent from the beginning was to offer specific bags and accessories for specific use cases and specific cameras.

Bag #1 Details - My personal Ultra Light Sling Duo with my daily, walk around essentials

My first product, the Ultra Light Sling Duo, is a true example of our brand intent, values and direction. While we have seen our customers use this bag in a number of ways, it was designed specifically to carry one or two small, compact cameras snuggly so that the bag did not need to extra, frivolous padding adding weight and bulk to the bag. It carries two cameras and a journal, pen, iPhone, an extra battery, and a small credit card type wallet. I have travelled all over the US as well as internationally with this bag and cameras and it works perfectly as intended. It isn’t for everyone, but for those that want the lightest, best featured, lighweight camera bag for travel and outdoor activity, it is one of the best solutions out there. Where this first product fell short was in the customization options. At inception only 1 standard color was offered with a second coming a few months later.

After launching Bag 1, it was even more evident that folks wanted specific colors, materials, etc. I did build several custom colors and learned a lot about what the customer wanted and what opportunities there might be for Iceworm MFG going forward. I also learned how hard it was to have everything readily available, build products one at a time out of new materials buckles, hardware & straps that were different than the stock product that I was familiar with. Frankly speaking, the full custom was and is an incredibly challenging proposition and path forward. One of which I fully intend to get too as I build this brand and business.

So let’s discuss bag 2 and step 2.

On Monday, December 12th I plan turn the details of Bag 2 live in my catalog and open pre orders. It is a bag intended for rangefinder type fixed or interchangeable lens cameras with compact lenses. Bag 3 coming early next year will be larger yet and allow for larger lenses so stay tuned if you like to carry larger lenses or slightly larger center EVF type cameras. Below are some images of various configurations of Bag 2 that I have made for myself as well a few friends. With the introduction of Bag 2, I will also updating options for bag 1, the Ultra Light Sling Duo. The Ultra Light Sling Mono will be going away completely with the introduction of this new bag.

With this launch, I will be offering stock colors as well as launching a new semi custom program. This means I will be offering both Bag 1 and Bag 2 in stock configuration(s) that I build 5-10 at a time. I will also be offering a semi custom where you can choose certain materials, colors, buckles, etc that I have in stock. This custom option will come at an additional cost as they result in slower processes such as single cuts, thread color changes, changing needles, thread, etc.

If you have any thoughts, questions or comments, please leave a comment or hit me up in the contact box. Until then, enjoy a sneak peek at Bag #2. Click on any image to view in slideshow mode.


RFL Shoulder Bag - New!


Ultra Light Sling Mono